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I'm not liking Wikipedia right now. It totally just deleted what I had JUST wrote. POS.

Well, in this random box, I'm supposed to write about myself. I guess I should do that.

About me: About me? Well, I guess there isn't much to me, except that this semester I've been trying über hard to get incredibly good grades, which I'm kinda succeeding at right now. What I do most of the time is this: rugby and school.

In my spare time I like to sleep, read (books like When She was Bad, and anything about criminology, the narcissitic, psycopath, or sociopath mind, mostly anything non-fiction.), hang out with my friends (strange people like Cassie, Jessie, Reno&Teddy, Vincent, Chicken, and anyone else I feel like being around), and other stuff like that.

I like to write, too, now that I think about it. I am currently going off and on with a screen play of mine. I write poetry, songs, short stories, and anything else I feel like at the time.

Other then that, I'm not sure what else to write about myself. So...I'm done!