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What is interesting is that I did originally post it as a joke, however I have decided to stand by my vote. This is based on later statements in a conversation in #wikipedia@FreeNode that demonstrated her extreme immaturity. I was having a serious discussion with Kim Bruning about the GFDL and Wikipedia. However, when I demonstrated flaws in his points, he degraded to sarcastic passive aggerssive insults. Soon after, several others in his channel who had obviously known him prior simply started jumping on the bandwagon. Bishonen was one of those users engaging in self-admitted passive aggressive behavior, mainly in the form of sarcasm. This is not the sign of someone who can be an objective admin. Here are some fun quotes that came from simply having a conversation about the GFDL:

Lastly, there were other admins on there too who jumped on the band wagon. It seems a lot of these votes for new admins are meaningless, since the votes come primarily from people who already know and are on friendly terms with her. #wikipedia@freenode has done nothing but contribute to making wikipedia more of a circle jerk by encouraging power through cliques and mob mentality. If you are disliked by one of the clique, you are disliked by all automatically. Conversely, if you are strongly liked by one, you are liked by all and have a good chance of becoming an admin. Frankly, it's insane that so many admins are part of one massive clique, it only leads to mob/herd mentality. -Nathan J. Yoder 14:44, 3 May 2005 (UTC)

 [12:22:59] <bishonen> isn't there a lot of trolling going on in this channel right now?
 [12:26:39] <bishonen> jamesf, oh, fuck, could you lose the troll, please?
 [12:28:10] <bishonen> *assuming* good faith, and going on asininely believoing in it after           evidence to the contrary, are two different things.
 [12:30:49] <bishonen> Kim played dumb? nathanye, assume good faith. how do you know kim *isn't* dumb?
 [12:31:49] <karynn> who here in here is passive-aggressive?  please raise your hands.
 [12:31:59] * bishonen raises hand
 [12:32:28] <bishonen> NathanYE, i happen to know kim, and he *is* dumb. Case proved.
