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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Last updated on, Dec 03, 2003 (UTC)

Hi, I am a 22 year old software professional from India. My offline interests include googling, quizzing, reading and writing. Wikipedia has become my prime-time hobby now, that is whenever I am hooked with some free time on my hands. It's been a month already, and I am still fascinated by wiki, which is quite something, given my desultory nature. Judging by the amount of time I have spent here over the last month, I reckon I am going fast on the road to becoming a Wikipediholic.

I am interested in articles related to history (especially military and political), philosophy, computer science (esp. related to logic and bordering on mathematics), English literature and mythology. Hailing from India, I am fairly proficient in subjects related to India and Hindu mythology. There is plenty to do in these areas, and I am trying to do my part. When I am bored of these pursuits, I still love to lurk around, learning other trades, and fixing minor blips on random articles, and occasionally make friends.

The best things that I am learning from wikipedia, is trying to be neutral, sensitive to others' viewpoints, and to try and appreciate the reason why there are conflicting opinions. Wiki is a welcome change from Usenet and other discussion groups, where its hard to push through positive things, without getting caught in flame wars. You do learn STUFF here, if only you are willing to listen, and cooperate (amazingly most people here do, most of the time).

Finally, I have loved reading ESR's The Cathedral and the Bazaar, and was impressed by his bazaar model for Open source software development. But, I have never given a thought to whether the concept would apply outside the realm of software.

Thanks to wikipedia, I need no more proof to the efficacy of the model, applied anywhere. A million people still make sense, not chaos. Quite a positive Deep Thought for fatalists like me.